Jimmy Thrasher (Michael Anthony Curtis, Marty Raybon, Doug Stokes, Billy Lawson, Darryl Worley, Dan Hodges) is a #1 Positive Country Songwriter, Producer, and along with his wife Melissa, a Publisher and Label Owner. Jimmy spent three years signed with Dan Hodges Music, in Nashville TN, for writing, consulting, and song plugging.
Through Jimmy Thrasher Music, Jimmy works with accomplished Independent Artist who are in most cases already in full time music, or on the verge of having great success. Jimmy and Melissa publish and send to radio, songs recorded by the Artist they work with.
Jimmy co-writes and co-produces the songs for their Label. Jimmy Thrasher Music releases songs that are Positive Country, Christian Country, Southern Gospel, Contemporary Christian, and Praise and Worship.
Jimmy Thrasher Music has to its credits a #1, #4, #17, #38, and a Rock Erie Song of The Year. Artist who have co-released with Jimmy Thrasher Music are Cameron Dubois, Lisa Jason, Katie Barbour, Josh & Krissy, and Cody Bowen.

Cameron Dubois

Lisa Jason

Katie Barbour
Cody Bowen